Casey's General Stores
Industry: Grocery Stores
Fortune Rank: 485
Casey's General Stores
Casey's General Stores is a Fortune 500 company. In 2010 Casey's General Stores was ranked number 485 on the Fortune 500 list, making it the 485th largest company in the United States when judged by revenue.
Casey's General Stores achieved revenue of $4,251.50 million in 2010 and earned a profit of $85.70 million.
Casey's General Stores ' rank improves
The company ranking improved in 2010, moving up the Fortune 500 list to 485th compared to 516th in 2009. This was based on its 2009 revenue of $4,429 million (a change of 0 million compared to 2010) and profits of $85 million (a change of $1 million compared to 2009).
Another point of view
To many investors, profits are more important than the revenue a company earns. If the Fortune 500 was ranked by profits instead of revenue then Casey's General Stores would be ranked 362nd rather than 485th due to its profits of $86 in 2010.
Casey's General Stores | Revenue* | Profit* | Fortune Ranking |
2010 | 4,252 | 86 | 485 |
2009 | 4,429 | 85 | 516 |
2008 | 3,624 | 62 | 588 |
* US$ Million
Casey's General Stores
1 Convenience Blvd.
Casey's General Stores
Contact Details
- Phone: 515-965-6100
- Website:
- Stock Symbol: CASY
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