Reliance Steel & Aluminum
Industry: Iron Steel Materials Manufacturing
Fortune Rank: 394
Reliance Steel & Aluminum
Reliance Steel & Aluminum is a Fortune 500 company. In 2010 Reliance Steel & Aluminum was ranked number 394 on the Fortune 500 list, making it the 394th largest company in the United States when judged by revenue.
Reliance Steel & Aluminum achieved revenue of $5,318.10 million in 2010 and earned a profit of $148.20 million.
Reliance Steel & Aluminum 's rank changes
The company's ranking in 2010 was a decline from 2009 when it was ranked 298th on the Fortune 500. The Previous ranking was based on its 2009 revenue of $8,719 million (a change of -3 million compared to 2010) and profits of $483 million (a change of -335 million compared to 2010).
Another point of view
To many investors, profits are more important than the revenue a company earns. If the Fortune 500 was ranked by profits instead of revenue then Reliance Steel & Aluminum would be ranked 335th rather than 394th due to its profits of $148 in 2010.
Reliance Steel & Aluminum | Revenue* | Profit* | Fortune Ranking |
2010 | 5,318 | 148 | 394 |
2009 | 8,719 | 483 | 298 |
2008 | 7,266 | 408 | 345 |
2007 | 5,748 | 355 | 402 |
2006 | 3,371 | 205 | 559 |
* US$ Million
Reliance Steel & Aluminum
350 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles
Reliance Steel & Aluminum
Contact Details
- Phone: 213-687-7700
- Website:
- Stock Symbol: RS
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